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cadeau-48.pngPMP V1.5.4.83 is released - by PPA 2010.12.20 6:10 PM

Christmas gift: A more stable release with some new features. See download page for details - here.

New datasheets site - by PPA 2010.12.15 3:46 PM

Alexa, webmaster of this new datasheets site had the excellent idea to send me a link. This site is very fast.

PMP tutorials - by PPA 2010.12.13 0:21 PM

A big thank you to Vasi who started to write some tutorials for using PMP, especially with FreeJalduino. Click here.

PMP V1.5.3.80 is released - by PPA 2010.11.16 6:55 PM

Another quick release mostly to fix some side effects introduced by a new optimizing method not enough tested; my apologies.
See download page for details - here.

PMP V1.5.2.79 is released - by PPA 2010.11.15 10:01 AM

Another quick release mostly to fix some side effects introduced by a new optimizing method not enough tested; my apologies.
See download page for details - here.

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