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PMP V1.5.1.78 is released - by PPA 2010.11.10 3:58 PM

The PIC16 FP package has been fixed. See download page for details - here.

V1.5.0 - Bad FP for PIC16 - by PPA 2010.11.09 6:51 PM

I'm afraid that the V1.5.0 FP package for PIC16 has been somewhat corrupted  (it seems to be some bad page selection). I'm working on that... Sorry for the annoyances.

PMP V1.5.0.77 is released - by PPA 2010.11.08 7:36 PM

See download page for details - here.

The forum is back! - by PPA 2010.09.20 8:10 PM

The forum has been restored and may be used again.

Forum down. - by PPA 2010.09.20 7:20 PM

The forum had crashed or has been hacked. Please do not use it until advised.

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Sentence to think about :  If you don't know what your program is supposed to do, you'd better not start writing it.  Dijkstra's law
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