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PMP V1.4.9.66 is released - by PPA 2010.07.26 5:24 PM

See download page for details - here.

PMP V1.4.8.64 is released - by PPA 2010.06.22 3:01 PM

See download page for details - here.

Site down - by PPA 2010.06.16 10:53 AM

The site was down since June 7; due to a bad unchecked configuration change I made. My apologies.

PMP V1.4.7.63 is released - by PPA 2010.04.04 5:16 PM

This is a maintenance version. See download page for details - here.
For the GPUTILS support (alpha): a thread to come in the "technical" forum.
(sorry for the I just see a build error, please re-download).

PMP V1.4.7.62 is released - by PPA 2010.04.04 4:49 PM

This is a maintenance version. See download page for details - here.
For the GPUTILS support (alpha): a thread to come in the "technical" forum.

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Sentence to think about :  When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.  Arthur C. Clarke
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