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Microchip: Application Notes

Recently Released AppNote Documents from Microchip Technology Inc.

AN4553 - USB-to-PWM Bridging with USB249xx Hubs  View ?

AN4553 - USB-to-PWM Bridging with USB249xx Hubs
(2022.05.19 10:11 PM)
AN4024 - IEEE 1588-2008 Edition 2 Conformance Information  View ?

AN4024 - IEEE 1588-2008 Edition 2 Conformance Information
(2022.05.18 4:52 PM)
TB3315 - Getting Started with the Complimentary Waveform Generator (CWG)  View ?

TB3315 - Getting Started with the Complimentary Waveform Generator (CWG)
(2022.05.17 8:47 PM)
MCP251863 Board Design Hints Application Note  View ?

MCP251863 Board Design Hints Application Note
(2022.05.16 9:30 PM)
AN4575 - How to Update the Firmware of Azurite Family Devices Using the Azurite GUI  View ?

AN4575 - How to Update the Firmware of Azurite Family Devices Using the Azurite GUI
(2022.05.12 9:42 PM)
CEC173x Development Board User's Guide  View ?

CEC173x Development Board User's Guide
(2022.05.12 8:42 PM)
Pedometer Firmware  View ?

Pedometer Firmware
(2022.05.11 5:31 PM)
AN2648 - Selecting and Testing 32 KHz Crystal Oscillators for AVR Microcontrollers  View ?

AN2648 - Selecting and Testing 32 KHz Crystal Oscillators for AVR Microcontrollers
(2022.05.11 07:30 AM)
AN4538 - Differential Clock Translation  View ?

AN4538 - Differential Clock Translation
(2022.05.05 4:31 PM)
TB3281 - Getting Started With I2C Using MSSP on PIC18  View ?

TB3281 - Getting Started With I2C Using MSSP on PIC18
(2022.05.03 3:39 PM)
Processing Analog Sensor Data with Digital Filtering  View ?

Processing Analog Sensor Data with Digital Filtering
(2022.04.29 0:50 PM)
AN2316 Configuration Options for the USB58xx and USB59xx Application Note  View ?

AN2316 Configuration Options for the USB58xx and USB59xx Application Note
(2022.04.21 04:06 AM)
AN1160 - Sensorless BLDC Control with Back-EMF Filtering Using a Majority Function  View ?

AN1160 - Sensorless BLDC Control with Back-EMF Filtering Using a Majority Function
(2022.04.19 2:33 PM)
AN_2717 - SAMA5D2 Dynamic Memory Implementation Guidelines  View ?

AN_2717 - SAMA5D2 Dynamic Memory Implementation Guidelines
(2022.04.14 10:42 PM)
AN4511 - Getting Started with the PIC32CM LE00/LS00/LS60 Curiosity Pro Board  View ?

AN4511 - Getting Started with the PIC32CM LE00/LS00/LS60 Curiosity Pro Board
(2022.04.14 9:59 PM)

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Sentence to think about :  Sometimes I'm quite happy that butter wire cutter was never taken up by computer specialists: mayhap it would no longer be compatible with all butters.  René Cougnenc, June 2, 1995.
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